
Órama: funds with ESG seal increase 200% in six months

[20:23] Julio-R Alves Órama launched the seal about six months ago and now has 12 products with this endorsement

ASG equity funds: sustainability/governance-related shares and funds have increased in recent years according to Anbima (PM Images/Getty Images)

ASG equity funds: sustainability/governance-related shares and funds have increased in recent years according to Anbima (PM Images/Getty Images)

The number of funds with the ESG seal – Environmental, Social and Governance,  created and granted by the Órama investment platform in early 2021 to its portfolio increased three times in six months after the launch of the seal. Today, there are 12 funds with the seal.

Sandra Blanco, chief strategist at Órama Investimentos, explains that the ESG seal highlights managers who are aligned with a responsible agenda. “We understand that this commitment can result in additional gains in the long term”, he says. "Our goal is also to continue encouraging other funds to adopt ESG practices, so that the list grows even more."

The selection of funds that receive the seal is based on the evaluation of certain criteria. It is desirable that the manager adheres to the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) and that the approaches are within those defined by the GSIA (Global Sustainable Investment Alliance).

Although it has tripled in six months, the number of products with the ESG seal is low, considering that the platform has 650 funds.

Fixed income funds with the ESG Órama seal are:

  • BB Asset Ações Equidade FIC FI
  • Fama Ações FIC FIA
  • SulAmérica Total Impacto FIA
  • Trígono Delphos Income FIC FIA
  • Trígono Flagship 60 Small Caps FIC FIA
  • Trígono Flagship Small Caps FIC FIA
  • Trígono Verbier FIA
  • Trígono Power & Yield 30 FIC FIA

In addition to these, there are three private credit funds:

  • Empírica Vox Impacto FIC FIM CP
  • SulAmerica Crédito ESG FIRF CP LP
  • CG Compass ESG Credit Selection FIC FIRF CP LP

A survey carried out by Anbima (Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities) at the request of EXAME shows that the number of ASG equity funds, those classified as sustainability/governance, has increased in recent years.

In 2008, there were 27, going up to 33 in 2013 and 42 in June 2021. The net funding accumulated this year by these funds is R$ 303.8 million. In 2020, the 38 ASG equity funds raised R$688.5 million, according to data from Anbima.