Google: como explicar HTML 5 para o Larry Page e para a sua vó? (Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)
Da Redação
Publicado em 25 de julho de 2018 às 12h00.
Última atualização em 25 de julho de 2018 às 12h00.
As entrevistas de emprego costumam ser bem desafiadoras para muitos candidatos. Pode ser difícil encontrar uma resposta que seja completa e concisa ao mesmo tempo, por isso muitas pessoas se confundem ao refletir sobre a pergunta e respondê-la adequadamente.
Algumas perguntas são bem simples, porque apenas buscam conhecer mais sobre a experiência do candidato, mas outras podem ser mais complicadas, porque avaliam a capacidade de análise crítica e sistêmica.
A entrevista para trabalhar no Google é reconhecida por fazer perguntas que parecem simples à primeira vista, mas que podem ser complicadas de serem respondidas de modo conciso.
As perguntas mudam de tempos em tempos, mas confira abaixo algumas delas e pense quais seriam as suas respostas (mas pense em inglês!).
1- What is your favorite Google product, and how would you improve it?
2 - If you wanted to bring your dog to work but one of your team members was allergic to dogs what would you do?
3 - If ads were removed from YouTube, how would you monetize it?
4 - Name a prank you would pull on your manager if you were hired.
5 - What is your opinion on whether or not individuals should be required to use their official name when opening a gmail or Google+ account?
6 - What would you want to do if you didn't have to work?
7 - What scares you?
8 - How many ways can you think of to find a needle in a haystack?
9 - If you could be remembered for one sentence, what would it be?
10 - If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
11 - How do you think the digital advertising world will change in the next 3 years?
12 - What three things would you change at your university/work place if you were CEO today?
13 - Describe AdWords to a seven-year-old.
14 - You have a grocery delivery service (similar to Amazon Fresh) which delivers food within 24 hours. Estimate how many trucks you need to operate this service.
15 - Tell me what you think about Google charging users $1/month to use gmail.
16 - How many haircuts do you think happen in America every year?
17 - List six things that make you nervous.
18 - How would you explain the importance of HTML 5 to Larry Page and then to your grandma?
Tell me a joke.
19 - Define a service that would allow you to travel to the future.
20 - How would you improve a shoe factory?