
Festival organizado por Lady Gaga rende 4 aprendizados de inglês

Estes quatro exercícios de inglês foram inspirados pela apresentação do cantor John Legend com Sam Smith

O evento online organizado pela Lady Gaga, ''One World: Together at Home''  (Global Citizen/Handout/Reuters)

O evento online organizado pela Lady Gaga, ''One World: Together at Home'' (Global Citizen/Handout/Reuters)


Da Redação

Publicado em 22 de abril de 2020 às 13h50.

O festival de música ''One World: Together At Home'', apelidado de Live Aid das Lives, aconteceu no dia 18/04. Teve curadoria da cantora Lady Gaga, apoio da ONG internacional Global Citizen em colaboração com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e foi apresentado por Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon e Stephen Colbert.

A proposta do evento foi arrecadar dinheiro para os profissionais de saúde que estão trabalhando na linha de frente contra o coronavírus e o resultado foi de 127,9 milhões de dólares. O encontro online reuniu nomes como Paul McCartney, Rolling Stones, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Sam Smith, John Legend, Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, Pharrell Willians e muitos outros.

A música uniu artistas, fãs e amantes da música em prol de uma causa global que mudou e colocou o ano de 2020 na História.

Vamos praticar inglês com uma das músicas cantadas no Festival, o compositor e intérpretes?

First Activity
Insert these words in the blanks to complete John Lennon’s biography: Fatally, Birth, Regularly, Traumatic, Devastated, Raid.

John Lennon

He wrote Stand by Me. John Winston Lennon was born on October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, Merseyside, England, during a German air ______ in World War II.

When he was four years-old, Lennon's parents got separated and he ended up living with his Aunt Mimi. Lennon's father was a merchant seaman. He was not present at his son's ______ and did not see a lot of his son when he was young.

Lennon's mother, Julia, remarried but visited him and Mimi _________. She taught Lennon how to play the banjo and the piano and purchased his first guitar. Lennon was ___________ when Julia was ________ struck by a car driven by an off-duty police officer in July 1958. Her death was one of the most _______ events in his life.

This song was sung by John Legend and Sam Smith during the One World Live.

Second Activity
Find out the 7 mistakes in John Legend’s biography:

John Legend

He born John Roger Stephens in December 28, 1978, in Springfield, Ohio. A child prodigy, Legend's grandmother thaught him how to play piano, and he grow up singing in the church choir. He went on to attend the University of Pennsylvania, whose he directed a co-ed a cappella group. After graduation, he switched gears and worked for Boston Consulting Group, but continued to perform in nightclubs in New York City.

He was soon introduced to up-and-coming hip-hop artist Kanye West, and the two musicians collaborated on one other's demos.

Third Activity
Insert the right prepositions to complete Sam Smith’s biography:

Sam Smith

Smith was born ____ May 19, 1992, ____ London. A natural singer, Smith began performing as a child, but the first real press they got came ___ 2009, when their mother, a successful banker, was fired after allegedly promoting her 15-year-old son’s singing career while ____ company time. Smith had only recorded two songs ____ that point and it would be a few years before they left their mark ____ the musical world.

Throughout their teenage years, Smith studied music while hitting the books ___ St. Mary's Catholic School ____ Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire. They looked ____ inspiration ____ such soulful artists as Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder while keeping a close eye ____ their future ____ the music business.

Fourth Activity
Listen to their presentation and fill in the blanks with the missing words:

yt thumbnail

When the night _____ ________
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we ______
No I won't be afraid
No I won't be afraid
Just ___________ you stand, stand by me

And darling, darling stand by me
Oh, now, now, stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me

If the sky that we _______  ________
Should __________ and fall
And the mountain should _________ to the sea
I won't _____, I won't _______
No I won't _______ a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darling, darling stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Stand by me, stand by…

Respostas da primeira atividade

John Lennon

He wrote Stand by Me. John Winston Lennon was born on October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, Merseyside, England, during a German air raid in World War II.

When he was four years-old, Lennon's parents got separated and he ended up living with his Aunt Mimi. Lennon's father was a merchant seaman. He was not present at his son's birth and did not see a lot of his son when he was young.

Lennon's mother, Julia, remarried but visited him and Mimi regularly. She taught Lennon how to play the banjo and the piano and purchased his first guitar. Lennon was devastated when Julia was fatally struck by a car driven by an off-duty police officer in July 1958. Her death was one of the most traumatic events in his life.

This song was sung by John Legend and Sam Smith during the One World Live.

Respostas da segunda atividade

John Legend

He was born John Roger Stephens on December 28, 1978, in Springfield, Ohio. A child prodigy, Legend's grandmother taught him how to play the piano, and he grew up singing in the church choir. He went on to attend the University of Pennsylvania, where he directed a co-ed a cappella group. After graduation, he switched gears and worked for Boston Consulting Group, but continued to perform in nightclubs in New York City.

He was soon introduced to up-and-coming hip-hop artist Kanye West, and the two musicians collaborated on one another's demos.

Respostas da terceira atividade

Sam Smith

Smith was born on May 19, 1992, in London. A natural singer, Smith began performing as a child, but the first real press they got came in 2009, when their mother, a successful banker, was fired after allegedly promoting her 15-year-old son’s singing career while on company time. Smith had only recorded two songs at that point and it would be a few years before they left their mark on the musical world.

Throughout their teenage years, Smith studied music while hitting the books at St. Mary's Catholic School in Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire. They looked for inspiration in such soulful artists as Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder while keeping a close eye on their future in the music business.

Respostas da quarta atividade

Stand by me

When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we see
No I won't be afraid
No I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darling, darling stand by me
Oh, now, now, stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me

If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountain should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry
No I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darling, darling stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Stand by me, stand by…

Se quiser estudar de uma maneira mais descontraída, veja os cursos de inglês com músicas; e também inglês com séries e filmes, da Companhia de Idiomas.

Lígia Velozo Crispino, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas. Graduada em Letras e Tradução pela Unibero. Curso de Business English em Boston pela ELC e extensões na área de Marketing na ESPM, FGV e Insper. Coautora do Guia de Implantação de Programas de Idiomas em empresas e autora do livro de poemas Fora da Linha. Colunista do portal Vagas Profissões. Mobilizadora cultural à frente do Sarau Conversar na Livraria Martins Fontes. Quer falar comigo?
Meu e-mail é e Skype ligiavelozo.

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